So, our morning here at CCG began with a session on Continuous Improvement, and after reading an article on changing culture, I realized just how much a shift in culture matters, depends on the “what you do” not the “what you say”. I love a good mission statement as much as the next person, but a mission statement isn’t what gets you out of bed in the morning; it’s by setting your alarm clock and shifting oneself out of bed and off to the shower, coffee, school run, gym class, or whatever else kickstarts your day. To put it simply, it’s actions. Now we all put in effort to get to where we want to be in life, but if we don’t see at least a few quick results, then what’s there to keep us motivated, inspired and engaged?
Getting those results and sharing them with team members matters; they help forge stronger coalitions with those of the same mindset, and possibly a few new ones who didn’t think it could be done. Remember the best governments often work with coalitions of differing opinions and not the one-party, one mind rule.
When it comes to confidants, we all have a few close colleagues that we can rely on to speak the truth and nothing but the truth, but it doesn’t work for everyone. Luckily enough, here at CCG, we have a magical tool that lets us brainstorm AND speak the truth at the same time without worrying what others think. That’s a safe haven for many, particularly those who may have been “shot down” at meetings or workshops in the past for even considering a new idea, let alone voicing it.
But remember, if we are to remain in the often-preferred state of harmony, then as blindly happy as we might seem, will we be truly content? Friction is there to create energy, a spark, a change for the right reason and who doesn’t want to move forward? Make a real change this year and chart your progress.
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